My Story
About me:
Spinning things have always interested me. Wheels, motors, toys...if it spun, I was fascinated.
It was through playing with spinning toys, especially yoyos, that I learned the value of play and what play means to me. Taking time out of your day, no matter how busy it is, to play keeps us happy, youthful, and vibrant. As I grew older, I also found another passion that led me to where I am today: Making yoyos and tops.
There's something about working out a new idea and creating it on a well-tuned lathe that inspires me every day to work hard creating the next generation of hand machined yoyos. In my workshop, I spend my days turning wood and plastic into fun, personality filled toys that I hope bring you as much joy to play with as I felt while making them. Each half of each yoyo is hand turned without any kind of jig or mold, so that means each yoyo half is made sympathetically to its partner.
So pick one up, string up a fresh cotton string, and give it a throw. If you played yoyo when you were a kid, welcome back to those good memories. If you're picking up yoyoing as a hobby as an adult, I'm happy that you've made play a priority in your life.
In 2020 I was inducted into the national yoyo hall of fame
Thanks for stopping by, and keep spinning.
“everything spins”
Pre 98 Yoyoing?
A lot of things changed in 1998, yoyoing is one of them. Pre 98 the yoyos were tuned to be smooth for string tricks but still tug responsive. After 1998, yoyos made for string tricks had zero tug / bind only response.